Using the Archives

The Archives enables all interested parties to view archival records under the conditions provided in Sections 34-41 of Act No. 499/2004 Coll. on the Archives and Records Management, Decree No 645/2004 Coll. and the Research Rules of the Archives, which is based on the standard research rules, the English translation of which is available on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic (Annex No. 3 to Decree No. 645/2004 Coll.).

Prior to the start of their study, persons interested in using the Archives are required to fill in and sign a researcher’s card (which serves as an application to view the archival records) and to submit proof of identification. Archival records can only be studied in the reading room, where a reference library is also available to researchers.

The study of archival records is free of charge, and fees are only charged for certain services provided by the Archives (copying records, researches, etc.). These fees are established in the pricelist of services, which is based on the pricelist of services provided in Annex No. 4 to Decree No. 645/2004 Coll., the English translation of which is available on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.

Researchers can copy archival records free of charge using their own reproduction devices (camera, scanner), a possibility recommended by the Archives.

As the capacity of the reading room is limited, it is necessary to inform Archives employees by e-mail or phone of your interest in study and your planned visit to the Archives. The reading room is open each working day from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Other hours can be arranged in justified situations.

Research days: Tuesday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (upon agreement).